Thursday, June 11, 2015

CL review: Magic Eye Chocolate

I finally have new lower lashes! My old ones were really not good anymore to wear, but the replacements just did not arrive @.@ Can you see how happy I am?

Time for a small CL review. The Magic Eye Chocolate lenses of $13.00 by Klenspop :

Some information about the lenses:

Graphic diameter: 13.7 mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6 mm
Type: 1 Year disposal

This is what the lenses look like on my light blue/gray eyes:

Colour & Design: 3/5
The brown colour of these lenses is very pretty. However they might be more suited for dark eyes. As you can see in the picture of the lenses in their case, they are open in the middle, so they leave your own eye colour to shine through. 

Enlargement: 2/5
These lenses made my eyes look very mysterious and slightly bigger, giving them a very natural effect.

Comfort: 1/5
From the moment I put them in they really hurt my yes T^T I really do not know why, it could be because I had already been wearing other lenses the whole day and my eyes might have been irritated.

- Very natural, so great for everyday wear
- Never get in your sight while wearing
- Adds just a little extra

- Do not give extra pop to your eyes in terms of colour
- Not very much enlarging
- Somehow kept hurting my eyes

Hope you liked my review!

Much love!


  1. Wow 13.00 is cheap! They are cute too! I went followed the link and they have brown ones that cheap as well. Great post. ^_^

  2. Congrats on your new lower lashes! It's so exciting (for me at least) when post arrives~ \(^o^)/

    I like how the colour of the lenses is kind of brought out by your hair. XD It's a cool effect. But since they hurt I guess you can't wear them. :( I got some grey lenses from Klenspop recently that I think would go really well on blue eyes! They're called SCL 24 GRAY. Would love to see what they look like on you. <3

    1. Thank you! Haha for me as well -.^ Oh cool! I want to try them!

  3. They are a very natural looking lens! You look really lovely in them
