Saturday, December 26, 2015

Agejo & Rokku Inspiration

As you might know, my two favourite styles are Agejo and Rokku but those are very hard to combine xD Anyway, I am always searching the internet for new inspirational images. This is a selection of my new inspirations! (It's getting harder to find new stuff now that a lot of blogs are inactive ;^; Luckily there's always still shopstaff and Ageha magazine!)

via My Darling Rainbow


gyaru x summer x outfits x ageho x MA*RS:


Yun Shock Blog: Ghost of Harlem collection for rokku gyaru:

Gal Coordinates:


Love the belt!:

Love her hair! Pastel Goth:


I hope you liked my inspiration post! While making it, I felt a bit like I was two different people. At one side I really love black, skulls and crosses and then I also like flowers, pink and cute dresses <3 Luckily I know more people who are like that ^.^

Much Love!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Outfit week

Last week I spend some time getting to know my closet better. I challenged myself to dress up every day even if I was just going to lectures ^^ It was a lot of fun even with the small amount of time I had each morning making it harder to be inspired, especially since I am not really a morning person...As a result I felt super cute all week *^.^* Let's go!

Day 1: Sweet memories 

With this sunday outfit I was revisiting my sweet style, which I favored up until a few years ago. It was fun to dress up this way, but a bit weird when looking into the mirror xD I do really love this style, just not really on me anymore. I guess I grew out of it -.^

Day 2: Monochrome

This day I wasn't really feeling like colours! The funny thing was though I didn't expect it, a lot of people actually complemented my outfit (usually people just look at me weirdly xD)

Day 3: Killer bunny

This look is a bit more old-fashioned with the high closing dress and ribbon boots, which you don't see very well because of the low lighting. This look made me feel very cute and girly ^^

Day 4: Ready for church


I got asked by quite a few people whether I was religious that day. I still don't know how to answer that question xD It may have been the big, glittery cross..

Day 5: Time for school

The last day before the holidays! I had to visit my tutor to discuss my planning for work during the christmas break -.- Let's just say I am not bringing it to Tokyo!

I had a very strange week outfit wise, now that I am looking back at it. Normally I like to dress more like the first two looks, plus I did not wear as much agejo as I normally do (forgot to do laundry -.^) Today I am leaving for Tokyo!!! So excited ^^

Much Love!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

New nails for christmas

As christmas is drawing near and of course I needed new nails for that I have been really busy making two new sets ^^ However I only made pictures of making one of them:

Lately I have been really into pink and white <3 (Next to black of course)

After the base coat, I covered the tips of the nails in white glitter for the pink nails and pink glitter for the white nails ^^ You could only see it from up close though!

Then add some painted white crosses, the fat one was a bit uneven, and some gold flowers and finish it off with a few pearls for the glam <3

The end result:

Instead of christmas I ended up wearing them to my father's wedding last friday, so I also made some new ones. They are very much inspired on a pair of nails Jojo made and I just loved! I only changed the colors and used crowns instead of crosses (my family is religious so crosses for christmas just wouldn't do xD). Her nails are on the left and mine on the right:

Since I will be leaving for over two weeks of Japan next saturday, I will not be able to tend to my blog for a while. I will however prepare posts for the next three saturdays (I am already working on it -.^). If you want to follow my journey live, follow me on Instagram! We don't have internet all the time there of course, but I will upload pics whenever I can find some WiFi ^^ Of course I will also write a few posts about the journey afterwards with more details, so don't worry if you don't have Instagram -.^

Much Love!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Last haul before Japan

As I will be going to Tokyo in only two weeks ( I know right, I am so excited \(^o^)/!!), I promised myself not to shop to much anymore, and especially no clothes... I really tried, but there were just a few things I could not resist. So I bought make-up!

This chocolate bar of Obsession just looked so cute! And I have been looking for a nice brown/pinkish palette, as I always lose my eyeshadows. This is the perfect base ^^

Plus it was only 8 euros with not-half bad pigments <3

Next I found this super cute heart-shaped blush, with three different colours! These were sold out so fast, I actually wanted two different ones, but the second was gone already ;^; 

Also I finally found the perfect BB Cream:

I always had the problem of having a skin to light for the BB Creams sold here, so they always turn my skin a bit orange -.- After asking around a bit Jojo recommended me this Korean one of Skin 79 and it is just perfect! It is supposed to make your face look whiter, but my skin is white enough that it does not even have that effect xD

In a city close to mine a new store has opened where they sell 8 nail polishes for only 10 euros!! So yes, I had to buy them.. 

I just could not find the eigth one, that is a gold glittery one ^^

I think I have been quite good-.^ But I cannot wait to go shopping in Japan! I desperately need to get me some new fashionable clothes<3 To make some room in my closet I have put some new clothes for sale, so check out the sales page.

Much Love!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dutch gal meet!

Lately all communities have seemed kind of quiet, even the Dutch one were still so many gals are active! The thing is that most meets recently have only been with the gyaru circles. So we decided to finally have another meet-up again with all the gals together ^^ I think the last meet like that was before summer, so it really was about time! This was my look for the occasion (a bit casual, as I had been to university the whole day before the meet):

When wee met up, everybody was super hungry so as usual we first had to get a bite to eat together. I really loved my food, the fish was so good and they even had sesame ice cream <3 \(^o^)/


They gave us so much food, even the strongest of us couldn't eat it all xD

Afterwards we went somewhere else to drink cocktails. Normally we almost never really go somewhere anymore after dinner, because people have to leave early so this was super nice for a change ^^ I had my favourite Piña Colada!

And of course a little selfie spam:

Derping with Sharon and Jojo

Part of our table, Roos wasn't really in a picture mood xD

The beautiful Jen and me

Sharon and me

We actually made many more even, but I don't have them all yet sadly -.^ We stayed in the cocktail place for so long they eventually practically had to kick us out. Unfortunately by than I really had to leave in order to still make it to my last bus. Another a bit tipsy selfie of me waiting for it to arrive:

I actually like myself better on photos when a bit tipsy xD

It was really nice to have a meet like this again. Meeting with the other gals always makes me feel like I can share one of the most important parts of me with people who really get it <3 I can't wait until after christmas break when there will be many other meets! I hope you liked my post -.^

Much love!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Little Japan themed date

Today my bf and I are on a Japan themed date \(^o^)/ In our busy life we rarely really spent quality time together, despite living together! You know that feeling of always being just a bit too tired and having to finish that last homework assignment before going to bad right? Well today we decided to just forget about all that and head out together ^^ I love getting dolled up for my bf. Some gals tell stories about how their partners don't like their gal make or clothes and would rather see them as natural as possible.. I think that is such a shame! Although my bf too likes me best with as little make-up (and clothes xD) as possible, but he also really likes the gyaru me, for which I am very glad and thankful <3 Anyways here are my make and comfy outfit for the day:

We decided to go to The Hague as there is not really anything Japan themed in our city. Except for really expensive sushi places, but what student has the money for that right? xD We headed for our regular spot, the SET café and sat to my delight in the Hello Kitty section, which is so super cute! Seriously if you can you should visit it \(^o^)/ Plus they have the best food:

Not sure if I was allowed to take pics of the menu, but well ^^ 
I even found this cute book with everything about Kitty White after whom the café is named. Including her profile (sorry for being unable to take good pictures in low lighting -.-)

I had the best drink in the world: Matcha with cream :3 Made by a sweet girl named Jennifer, who said she reads my blog. It sounds weird, but I never realised people actually read my blog @.@ It was so nice to meet her, she was super nice and I can't wait to see her again at a meeting!

As the weather was super bad today with lots of rain and wind we stayed inside the café for quite some time just talking, which was nice ^^ Afterwards we went shopping at the Oriental market for ingredients for home made sushi! Since my bf doesn't eat fish, we made it vegan. I normally always miss the fish and especially the salmon, but this time I didn't and it was just really good <3

Jup, whenever we go on dates we usually just eat and drink a lot. It's a good thing we both love food otherwise I would feel like such a glutton xD Anyways I have to go back as the date is not yet over. We still have to watch the anime Paprika -.^ I hope you all had a nice weekend too!

Much Love!